Worm Tea
(fertilizer and pesticide alternative)
Worm tea is an extraction of our worm castings. It is made to order over a series of 2 to 4 days, castings are oxygenated and soaked in rainwater continuously. This forces a population explosion of the worm microbes as they move out of the castings and into the rainwater. This process allows the tea to be up to 1000x more concentrated than the worm castings.
It is a totally safe, NON-TOXIC, alternative to fertilizers, and pesticides. It is safe if consumed by children or pets, and is PH stable for young and sensitive plants.
Because it is a living brew it loses potency over time and is best if used right away, must be used within 3 days to work as instructed. The tea benefits your garden by inoculating with the beneficial microbes that work with your plants to develop healthier root systems and increase the systemic health of your soil and plants. You may notice plants' natural resilience and ability to fight disease and pests comes out naturally with regular treatments of worm tea.
As a fertilizer and maintenance, use worm tea 1 to 2 times per planting season and before replanting a veggie or flower bed. For disease and pests apply ½ to 1 whole gallon of concentrate as a foliar and root drench every 10 to 14 days until all signs of disease and pests are gone, then switch to maintenance treatments. Worm tea can be applied as a foliar spray, trench, or root drench. As maintenance, every 1 gal of our ultra-concentrate can be added to 9 gallons of dechlorinated water and applied.
Must arrange for pick-up. Free delivery available to our community compost pick-up clients.
If you are local to Palm Beach County, please contact directly to place an order.

1 gal: $15

Prices above do not include sales tax. Please contact for pick-up options.